All the citizens of India have the right to own a passport.
How to apply for the first time
Obtain an application form from the passport office or the designated speed post centers or any of the designated outlets in your city.
You can download the form from the Central Passport Organisation’s Website http//www.passport.nic.in.
Fill all the columns carefully and legibly. The application may be submitted to the passport office concerned either in person or through a representative carrying an authorization letter or by registered post. Applications can also be deposited at district passport cells or district collectorates or DSP’s office at no extra charge and at designated speed post centers with a service fee or through authorized travel agents.
Submit proof of residence; i.e., two self-attested photo copies of the ration card or voters’ identity card or water tax bill or telephone bill or electricity bill or bank account or income tax assessment order or appointment letter of reputed companies on letterhead (any of them will do) clearly indicating/certifying the residential address.
Submit proof of date of birth; i.e., two self-attested photocopies of birth certificate issued by a municipal authority or district office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths if born after January 26, 1989 or date of birth certificate from the school last attended or affidavit sworn before a magistrate/notary as per specimen in the case of illiterate applicants.
If you haven’t stayed at the present address for the last one year, submit an additional set of ‘Personal Particulars Form’ for each place of residence with a photograph and two self-attested copies of supporting documents.
If you are a government or public sector or statutory body employee, you should submit a no objection certificate in original with a self-attested photocopy or two copies of the letter by you to your head of office informing that you are applying for a passport and duly acknowledged by your head of office.
If you have changed your name due to marriage, submit two self-attested photocopies of husband’s passport, if any, or an affidavit (original and one self-attested photocopy) from the husband and wife with a joint photograph, as per specimen.
If you have changed your name due to other circumstances, submit deed/sworn affidavit (original and one self-attested photocopy), as per specimen, and a paper cutting (original and one self-attested photocopy) each of two leading daily newspapers where change of name has been published.
If you are a citizen of India by registration or naturalisation, submit two self-attested photocopies of citizenship document.
Submit two self-attested photocopies of the supporting documents if you are eligible for ECNR (Emigration Check Not Required) endorsement on your passport. {The government has introduced ECNR to safeguard workers from being exploited by unscrupulous employers abroad}.
All self-attested copies of certificates/documents would be checked against originals at the Passport Office at the time of submission of application. Copies of certificates/documents sent by post should be attested by a gazetted officer.
Do you need a passport urgently?
You require a verification certificate from any officer of the rank of deputy secretary and above in the Central Government or equivalent in the state government, Colonel and above or its equivalent in Air Force and Navy, general manager of a public sector undertaking, sub-divisional magistrate, or SSP of district.
An out-of-turn passport is issued only in cases of specified emergencies, on production of documentary evidence, with the payment of additional fee.
Passport for minors
It is mandatory to have a separate passport for minors including infants. A number of foreign embassies refuse to grant visas if minor’s name is included in the parents’ passport.
When you apply for passport for a minor, submit the following additional documents:
Fresh application form
Proof of residence
Proof of date of birth
Seven identical photographs in black and white or color – four pasted on
the application in the boxes provided, two pasted on page 5 without
signatures and one unsigned on the Passport Application Registration
Form. (Thumb impression will do in case a minor is unable to sign).
A DD payable to the regional passport office or passport office
concerned for an amount prescribed.
Two self-attested photocopies of a valid passport, if any, of both
parents incorporating their present marital status or two self-attested
photocopies of a valid passport of any one of the parents.
Two self-attested photocopies of first four pages and last four pages of
passport of any one of the parents for ECNR endorsement on a passport.
Affidavit (one original and one self-attested photocopy), as per
specimen, by a legal guardian only if parents are not legal guardians.
Affidavit (one original and one self-attested photocopy), as per
specimen, by two responsible persons who know the legal guardian and the
Affidavit (one original and one self-attested photocopy), as per
specimen, in the case of a single parent.
Affidavit (one original and one self-attested photocopy), as per
specimen, in the case of parents who are separated but not formally
A sworn affidavit (one original and one self-attested photocopy), duly
attested by an Indian embassy/consulate, in the case of parents residing
outside India.
In the normal course the signature/consent of both parents may be taken for issue of a passport to the minor. However, if in case the applicant parent is not in a position to get the consent of the other parent, for whatever reason, the parent applying for the passport of the minor may sign the form and submit a sworn affidavit (as per the prescribed format) stating the facts and circumstances of the case along with the application.
The affidavit should also state that in case of a court case he/she would be responsible and not the passport office. In such cases where only one parent applies, in case of any doubt, the passport office may request for the physical presence of the child to ensure that the applicant parent has the actual custody of the child.
Fees The following all inclusive fees to be paid along with application form either by bank draft in favour of the passport officer, or in cash.
1.Fresh passport (36 pages) of 10 years validity - Rs 1,000/-
2.Fresh passport (60 pages) of 10 years validity - Rs 1,500/-
3.Fresh passport for minor (below 15 years) of 5 years validity - Rs.
4.Passport against lost/ damaged passport (36 pages) - Rs.2,500/-
5.Passport against lost/ damaged passport (60 pages) - Rs.3,000/-
6.India-Bangladesh or India-Sri Lanka passport (validity 10 years) -
Rs.500/- 7. Fee under Tatkal scheme:
Passport within 10 days of application - Rs. 1,500/-
Within 11-35 days of application - Rs. 1,000/
Fees change frequently. So please contact Passport office from our important contact numbers page. We will update the fees if we know of a change.